Cupping therapy
Herbal Medicine
Hijama Dates
Sunnah Points
Safe & effective Unani herbal treatment. By Chief consultant, Dr. Mohd Amer, a practitioner of Unani Medicine and Tibb-e-Nabuvi, who has pioneered traditional treatments for varied number of ailments.
The complementary and alternative treatment, especially the herbal medicine, has gained more attention and has also become popular.
Hijama for the month Muharram
17th 8Aug2023
We are here to partner with you on your health and wellness journey. We’ll get you back to living the life you’ve worked so hard for.
ما هي الحجامة
الحجامة والمعروفة أيضًا بـ “الحجامة الرطبة” هي علاج من الطب النبوي صلى الله عليه وسلم، وسنة ثابتة عن حبيبنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. ولم يكتف النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم بالحجامة، بل أمر أمته أن يجدوا الشفاء في الحجامة. الحجامة هي طريقة لعلاج ومنع الأمراض الجسدية والميتافيزيقية. تشير الحجامة إلى استخلاص الدم السام والمتراكم بلطف من نقطة مهمة في الجسم عن طريق استخدام كوب الشفط.
فوائد الحجامة
تنقية الدم عن طريق إزالة الشعيرات الدموية الموجودة في الأوعية الدموية تحت الجلد، والتي تكون أثقل كثافة بسبب تراكم السموم.
ينشط التصريف اللمفاوي عن طريق إزالة الانسدادات
إزالة السموم من خلال إزالة اليوريا الزائدة وحمض اليوريك والكرياتينين وحمض اللاكتيك
يزيل التشنج العضلي أو التشنجات
يزيد من عملية التمثيل الغذائي للHDL وLDL.
الإندورفين هو الهرمون المسكن لآلام الجسم، وتزداد إفرازات هذه الهرمونات بعد الحجامة، مما يؤدي إلى سرعة الشفاء من الإصابات.

- Removes the inflammatory hormones from the local area, helping in faster recovery post injury .especially in athletes ⚽🏀🥅🏑 ,body builders 🏋️♀️, runners 🏃♂️ ,swimmers🏊♀️, and cycling 🚴♂️
- Very effective for migraine treatment .
- Hijama Actives the Neuro- muscular coordination by activating the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.
- By assisted scarification through Hijama, your blood coagulation factors are constant and active.
Jaabir ibn Abdullah reported that the Messenger said, "Indeed in cupping (hijama) there is a cure."
[Saheeh Muslim (5706)].
Hijama In Abudhabi
Dr Mohammed Amer the founding director of Hijamainabudhabi.com with his expansive and diverse knowledge and experience in the field of Alternative medicine , specialising in unani system of medicine provides authentic natural healing methods .The treatment plans are customised after taking a detailed medical history of individual patients.
Benefits of Hijama
Hijama Cupping Therapy is a fast and efficient way to release the build-up of toxins from the body. Hijama Cupping Therapy is proving that in modern times it can provide positive results for most ailments and it is a powerful and natural alternative that many are now opting for.
Is Unani Medicine approved in the UAE?
Of course. Unani is officially recognized as an alternative medicine system under the Ministry of Health and Prevention. You can find a number of Hijama clinics and Herbal centers within the UAE. The Unani centers of UAE are regulated by licensing. It is your duty to make sure the reliability of the center before making the choice.
Do Unani treatments work like modern treatments?
Unani systems of medicine was started by Hippocates the father of Medicine in 370 BC .Its a complete system of medicine which successfully treat all modern life style disorders through Dieto therapy ,Pharmacotheray (HERBS) Regimental therapies like Cupping ,Hamman ,Aroma therapy,Massage Therapy , Diaphoresis,Purgation ,colon cleansing and many more
What are the key benefits of Unani ?
Unani is a lifestyle based medical science branch. So the foremost benefit is regarding the total wellness you can experience. A well-functioning digestive system is another benefit. Boosted immunity and health also comes with Unani lifestyle.
What can Cupping / Hijama used for?
Hijama is being used as an integrative treatment method for recovery of sports injuries in Athletes ,lifestyle disorders in IT and MNC professionals, Detoxification method for Body builders, and many more physical ailments are being successfully treated with both Dry and Wet Cupping methods .
Cupping (Hijama) a cure for every disease?
Cupping (Hijama) is a cure for every disease if performed in its correct time. The Messenger said, “Indeed in cupping (Hijama) there is a cure.” [Saheeh Muslim (5706)]. Said, “Whoever performs cupping (hijama) on the 17th, 19th or 21st day (of the Islamic, lunar month) then it is a cure for every disease.” [Sunan abi Dawud (3861)].
Is the procedure painful ?
Mildly painful to some patients but manageable. As the cuts are made very lightly. Ideally no pain should be felt. If the practitioner is experienced then this pain is sometimes not noticeable. Some of the patients do not even know that the cuts have made.

يقدم الدكتور محمد عامر، المدير المؤسس لبرنامج Hijamainabudhabi.com بمعارفه وخبراته الواسعة والمتنوعة في مجال الطب البديل، والمتخصص في نظام طب الأونياني، أساليب شفاء طبيعية أصيلة. يتم تخصيص خطط العلاج بعد أخذ تاريخ طبي مفصل للمرضى الأفراد.
وتكمن خبرتنا في توفير الرعاية والدعم على مستوى عالمي للمجتمع في بيئة دافئة وودودة بسعر معقول.ونحن نؤمن إيمانا راسخا بأن إجراء تقييم دقيق للأعراض ووضع خطة علاجية مخصصة يمكن أن يساعد مرضانا على عيش حياة خالية من الأمراض، وهذا ما نسعى جاهدين لتحقيقه.ولكل منا دور يلعبه في هذا العالم، وبصفته فريقا، يمكننا أن نمهد الطريق لمستقبل أفضل.
العلاج بالحجامة
العلاج بالأعشاب
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And We send down from the Quran, which became a shifaa' (a healer).
[Surah Al-'Israa, verse 82]
Ibn Qayyum (a great Islamic scholar and medical expert) in his book Zadul Ma'ad said the Quran is the perfect healer of all heart related diseases in the physical world and the hereafter. The Messenger (saw) said,
[Sahih Muslim - 5741]
Hijama is a remedy used for various physical ailments please see each section for further information. We have also listed a number of foods and herbs that are mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah which provide excellent dietary supplements and can be used as medicines.

Hello Praise be to God, it was a very good experience.. The doctor has experience in doing cupping.. He gives you enough time and cares about you and your health very much.. The clinic is very clean and the level of sterilization is very good... The doctor's advice is very excellent I will do cupping again in his clinic, God willing

If u are looking for the best & professional hijama treatment then your search ends here at this place... I had got hijama done from many other places, but here I had the best experience & in a very professional way compared to others... Special thanks to Dr. Amer for his services... May ALLAH reward you with the best in this world and the hereafter for ur efforts at reviving this Sunnah in the best possible manner..

I have been suffering back pain since childhood and have gone through hijama procedure previously for pain relief but procedure carried out by Dr. Amer was the best one I had.Dr.Amer is exceptionally professional at the same time makes treatment session joyfull which reduce anxiety of procedure. I will highly recommend if you are looking for hijama.

Highly recommend clinic if you are looking for Hijama (Cupping) treatment. The Unani Doctor Mr. Amir is knowledgeable and expert in his field of Hijama. So far i had two sessions there and realize it working well with me. The clinic is clean and doctor is taking all hygienic measure before and after the treatment. He amazingly makes a comfortable environment for you & answers all the questions you have in mind, as well advising genuinely what suits better for you. I would say this is the right place for hijama beacuse of Dr. Amir. Clinic location is easy and ample parking available nearby. Appointment can also be booked prior to the visit.

An excellent center, qualified and attentive staff, it was a very first time for me, I had significant results, specially for my back pain, instant well-being, frankly I recommend this center to everyone, a big thank you and good luck to you, that's a lot of good, the effect was very fast, the pains are less present at the end of the session and after one night they disappear, very satisfied

Praise be to God.. I have tried cupping in more than one place. The Lotus Center differs from others with the presence of Dr. Muhammad, the owner of the golden hand.. I did not feel pain after cupping.. on the contrary, with physical comfort.. As for parking lots, it is available in abundance near the center.. Appointments are fast.. The price is very reasonable and cheaper than others.. Sincerity in work is their motto. . Thanks

Dr. Amer has vast knowledge, exceedingly experienced, and exceptionally professional. He answered all my queries and eliminated the anxiety of my first Hijama. Needless to say, the results turned out to be very good. Thoroughly impressed with his follow up call after a week to know about results/complication. The clinic itself is tidy and very hygiene. I would highly recommend. Thank you once again Dr. Amer.

I had a very good experience. His technique elimintated the cronic back and shoulder pain. His technique is also unique by nassaging first the muscle tension is relived and then he makes small cuts that are painless in order to begin the cupping experience. I highly recommend this service to anyone that is looking.